5 Study Strategies to Master

Why Effective Study Habits Are Important

Studying for long amounts of time does not guarantee better performance. In fact, it can have having a detrimental effect to both your motivation to continue and mastery of the topic. By using the most optimal plan you can study for half as long with twice the results. The following study tips can boost your performance if you struggle to make the most of your time and ensure productive study sessions.

1. Study schedule: Space out your study sessions

Research has shown that it spaced learning is an effective memory improvement technique. In other words, you are more likely to retain information when taking a break between study sessions. First use a calendar to plan out your study session over a larger period of time (weeks, months). This kind of long term planning can keep you on track for your goals and make sure you complete the necessary task by the deadline. I recommend using google calender as it is easy to use and syncs easily to other devices like your phone.

Next, use a pomodoro timer within study sessions to make the most of them. To start, do 20 minutes of deep work followed by a 5 minute break. However, if you find yourself to quickly loose motivation to work, take longer times to work in between breaks. Through my own trials, I have found that 50 minutes of work and a 10 minutes of break works best for me.

2. Gain Mastery: Explain the topic to a friend or to yourself

Avoid the conformation bias and make sure that you actually understand the material. Explaining the topic to others can solidify your understanding it. You can use the audience you have available to your advantage.

You can explain it a friend or study buddy that is familiar with the topic, this can help you polish your understanding of the topic and make sure that you are not learning the wrong information. Use this type of audience after you have completed studying the topic by yourself first.

For an audience with no prior experience with the topic, you have to use a simple and concise way of explaining complicated topics. This is especially beneficial to neatly wrap up your study sessions.

If you find it difficult to find an audience, the next best thing is to explain the topic out to yourself. Often when we think through things in our head, we skip over important points or fall victim to the confirmation bias. By explaining things out loud you are forced to pay attention to the details.

3. Holistic Learning: Keep the bigger picture in mind

It is often the case that when we deep into some details of our work, we forget how it relates to the larger topics at hand. While it may seem the case that you just want to memorize the topic at hand and move on with your life, this may not be the best way to proceed. Especially, if you are not seeing any success with this approach. On the other hand, if you know how this certain topic explains a larger phenomenon the individual details start to make more sense.

One way to implement this strategy is to use a note-taking method called a mind map. This method of notetaking helps you connect complicated topics in an easy-to-view manner. While it may seem a easy skill to learn. Successful use of mind maps requires personalization that only comes with trial and error. Laying out the bare minimum of information, using pictures or words, to maximize the knowledge retained is the key to any good mind map. However, do not be discouraged if this type of spatial learning does not agree with you. There exist countless styles of notetaking. Take your time to digest and incorporate relevant strategies.

It might also help to self-reference. Drawing conclusions and applying it to something you have experienced or some aspect of the everyday world is helpful as it creates unique, and easy to remember examples.

4. Critical thinking: Anticipate problems and generate solutions

Exam preparation can be a daunting task for many students. It is never a good idea to jump into an exam without taking anyway practice tests. However, how do we go about making problems that accurately represents what the instructor deems necessary.

How do we go about doing this?

First try and find patterns from any of the previous practice exams that have been released. Through this, you may find what level of detail you need to know the information. This plan can allow you to both anticipate questions and allow you to cover topics faster (especially if you are on a time crunch). However, if you do not have access to these resources. It is wise to review previous exams and apply the aforementioned concepts.

5. Study environment: Change your study area

If you find that your current study area is lacking or that you cannot concentrate as well. Try and move to another area. Location specific encoding strategy is another great way to remember information. Even moving to different places around the house is beneficial. A good rule of thumb when picking a study area is whether you can last at least 2 pomodoro cycles without getting distracted. Also make sure that you are not distracted by your phone while in this area. In fact, it is a good idea to keep it away from view and only take it out after you exit this area.


The key to academic success is following effective study habits. While each person may have their unique learning styles, the study tips mentioned in the article can be implemented in any setting. But it is important to remember that it takes time to see results in any endeavor. By sticking to these basics, you will have the necessary skills to stand out amongst the crowd.