How to Make the Most Out of Lecture

Lectures are one of the most important times available to students to learn knew knowledge. However, many students struggle to make the most out of this time. If students spend time efficiently during lecture, the subsequent hours of self-study and panic can be substantially reduced. This article provides the most concise strategies to use during lecture.

Keep a reasonable distance from the professor

In a lecture hall that seats 100s of people, it is not reasonable to assume that the professor can engage with all students. However, it also not reasonable to tell students to sit in the first row to understand and talk to the professor. But, it is a good idea to push your boundaries and sit it in a position that gives you enough comfort while giving the professor proof of your existence. This is beneficial for many reasons explained in this article.

Keep distraction to a minimum

While it may be tempting to be on Instagram or message your friend, it it counterproductive to your time and energy. By being present in lecture, you are ensuring that you learn the maximum amount of content in the minimum amount of time. Having to later rewatch the lecture over and over again to understand the content wastes far more time than getting it right the first time. It is best to put your phone in focus mode and only allow select people to contact you in case of emergencies. Be present in the moment.

If your friends are distracting you, it is a good idea to seat away from them if possible. However, sometimes you might not let them know your desire for fear of offending them. The solution is fairly simple, sit closer to the professor. Sitting in a position that allows the professor to acknowledge your presence is a good way to both ensure that you are less distracted and in a good position to get to know them and ask questions.

Pre-scan lecture slides

Lecture slides are often posted before any lecture, if it is not try and ask the professor to make it possible. Scanning them before class allows you to know what to expect and what topics you will need to pay special attention to. While it is a good idea to be view them individually, it is not always feasible. Instead, skim the titles and summaries to understand what is being presented in class. What this does is slowly form a habit that makes your in class experience smoother and without unnecessary surprises.

Ask questions: move past the feeling of uneasiness

Being closer to the professor has an advantage of visibility and efficiency in asking questions. It is important to ask because each point you are confused on is an obstacle to your later understanding as information builds on the previous topic. Professors often say that it is not embarrassing to ask questions and that other people might have the same question. But the truth of the matter is that often it is embarrassing because you feel as if people are judging you for not knowing the answer. It should be understood that people do not care. Even if they did in the moment they are soon to forget it in the next. When is the last time you remember someone asking a question? What was that question? We are quick to forget these random, unimportant facts. Be selfish. Ask questions. If you know the material, there is no need to be in class. Asking questions also builds a relationship that you can cultivate with the professor. They remember you and are willing to converse with you. It is often the best and easiest introduction you can make.

Effective notetaking

There are many types of notetaking created over the years. To make sure that you are gaining the most from your lectures, you need to take the time to find one that suits your needs. Do not continue with the same old method if it does not enhance your learning. It is also not a good idea to use the notes of friends or classmates as it is not tailored to your needs.

Give the professor feedback

There are always ways to improve. Your professors are improving with watch class session and each batch of students have different needs. It is alright to convey your needs in a respectful manner. Maybe you need them to talk slower, or go over some material in more detail. If you are uncomfortable with the idea of talking to them after class, send an email with your concerns. More often than not they are happy to implement these changes.

Review lecture slides after

This is one of the best ways to boost your learning. It is helpful to go over the content in an environment where you are not under pressure to not miss anything talked about. You will find it easier to learn material that confused you during lecture. If you wait too long to review, you forget what was discussed and it will be harder to learn the material. Reviewing it after the lecture helps you to solidify the knowledge.