One of the primary drivers of a productive day is a good nights rest, which in turn requires preparation. While it may seem counterintuitive, after all sleep is meant to be a task done with little effort, it is essential to set yourself up for success when turning in for the night. This platform dedicates an entire article dedicated to sleep titled: “A Guide to Better Quality Sleep.” However, the key point that pertains to this article is a consistent sleep schedule. This means waking up and going to sleep at the same time. The benefits of this on your morning is immediately apparent. It is an especially good method to combat the morning lethargy. More importantly, it becomes the primer that structures the rest of your day. By knowing the exact times you sleep, you have a good idea of the time available to pursue your goals.
Now is a good idea to rectify a common misconception. While our bodies are primed to follow the sun, some people may benefit from an atypical schedule. That is, when trying to decide on time plan to follow, choose hours from experience. You may hear that waking up at 5 am is most optimal, however it is best to experiment before committing. You may find that a later wake-up call is more beneficial.
One exercise that seems particularly beneficial in starting your day is journaling. Although the details of journaling can be seen in the article, “How to Journal and Change Your Life,” an abstract will be provided here. The effect of journaling comes in the form of structuring. By writing down your goals for the day, you can foresee how the rest of your day might look like. Moreover, by organizing your thoughts physically, you are more likely to think critically about the task at hand. The period of time spent journaling also allows you time to get your mind fired up for the day. So, take time to enjoy this process, grab a cup of coffee as you ponder. If you have a hard time choosing what to write about check out the article on ideas to get started.
Repetitive Tasks
There are some tasks you do no matter the day. This may include exercising, checking emails, or attending meetings. By performing them in the morning, you leave the rest of your day free from these trivialities. In fact, these tasks can also help you acclimate to the new day. Activities like exercising in the morning can leave you refreshed and energized. When making your schedule, set aside some time for these repetitions and then plan the rest of your day accordingly.
Small Changes
Although the tasks mentioned in the article are easy to visualize, it may be hard to put into practice. So how exactly do you go about making changes to your life? The answer comes is incremental changes. For example, if you can’t find yourself waking up very early, try waking up 20 minutes earlier each day. Small changes form habits that can build up to create lasting changes. In fact, it may even be beneficial to try this method to create strong associations. In order to get a detailed understanding of habits, check out the article: “How to Form Healthy Habits: A Guide to Wellness and Wellbeing.” Although it may take time, remember that your actions create an increasingly solid foundation to change your life. Do not compare yourself to others, experiment and learn.