How to Form Healthy Habits: A Guide to Wellness and Wellbeing

Introspection: find meaning

Everyone realizes the importance of forming healthy habits. Many have preconceived notions on what is considered healthy. This article does not tell you what healthy habits you should follow – this is best decided by an individual’s needs. However, it does go to describe methods by which you can attain a suite of healthy habits. Perhaps the easiest method on this list is introspection; fundamentally, this portion is driven by need to improve oneself. During this stage you should ask yourself three main questions. What is one area I have persistently lacked in? Do not be too easy on yourself. Be honest in admitting your mistakes – the worst action you can take is lie to yourself. The next question is: how do I feel about my current lifestyle? In an era dominated by social media, it is easy to feel discouraged when it seems like everyone you know is excelling. However, it is essential you put aside this comparison and focus on your own life. Without their influence, how happy are you with the current state of things? Is there something that could be better? Finally, the third main question: why do I want to form this habit? Not all habits are healthy, and some may benefit certain types of individuals. Does the path you choose align with your life and goals?

Obstacles: enjoy the process

All good things bloom with time. This is a recurring theme throughout all my articles and is also the watershed that prevents many from achieving their goals. You must firmly believe that quick results often vanish. It is in the very definition of a habit to be persistent and lasting. As such, you need to put in proper amounts of time and care into nurturing them. But how do you not shy away from obstacles? The best answer I can give is to enjoy the process. This is not limited to this endeavor, when you truly learn to see the beauty in the smallest things, you begin to appreciate your improvement. I think this point is best captured by an example. Let us assume that you are beginning to lift weights for the very first time. You dread the feeling and want to get the exercise as quickly as possible. However, when you do this, you make countless mistakes in technique, creating bad habits that compound over time. On the other hand, if you appreciate the minute feelings – such as the deep stretch of your pectoral muscles or the soreness of your gastrocnemius – then time flies and you are on the road to greatness.’

Positive reinforcement: shape your desire

Shaping your habits has proven to be an effective strategy when forming new habits. To employ this strategy, start out with smaller changes that build up towards a larger goal. Keeping with theme, suppose you’re the habit you want to develop is going to the gym. Instead of trying to immediately change your routine and head to the gym every day, try heading twice a week. When you slowly adjust your schedule around this activity, then you can increase the recurrence. In addition, it is doubly efficacious to reward yourself after successful completion of a small goal. This considers the principle of positive reinforcement (B.F. Skinner) which states that adding a desirable stimulus after a behavior increases the probability it repeats. There is no need to make the rewards extravagant, just something you look forward to. For example, eat a delicious meal after working out or only eat out after you go to the gym. There is one important peace of information to keep in mind. It is best to spread out the reward over a period of time; that is, choose in random the days that you reward yourself. To learn more about this, look into schedules of reinforcement.

Change your environment: form stronger links

Being stuck in the same environment predisposes you to thoughts that negatively affect the way you think about the situation. It builds associations in your mind that are powerful enough to disrupt your goals. However, we can use this property to our benefit. By moving to a new environment, we have a fresh start where to build new associations. To get started, find a place that finds the perfect balance between no distractions and novelty. The place should be unique enough that you would like to visit. I find a place with a good view of the skyline, nature, or water to work best. Take the time to understand yourselves and explore your options. If you must stay in the same environment, change the layout of your workspace. This may be moving your desk or adding new decorations to your desk setup.